Our approach
Choose us, and you’ll benefit from our simple, six-step financial planning process.
Your discovery journey
The 30-minute initial meeting is at our expense with no obligation. This gives you the opportunity to tell us your aims and objectives, and find out how we can help you achieve those goals.
How “Introduction” works:
- Together, we’ll complete a fact-finding document to establish your current circumstances and priorities
- Using a risk profiler questionnaire, we’ll determine your attitude towards investment risk
- We’ll explain our services and costs, and if you’re happy, ask you to sign a client agreement outlining the basis on which we’ll proceed
- You’ll sign a letter of authority, which enables us to gather information about your existing financial arrangements
- Lastly, we’ll agree the actions to be taken, and when you’d like to meet us next.
You can sit back and relax while we gather full information about your current affairs. This includes details from a range of different areas depending on your individual circumstances, including asset allocation, income, taxation, and pension provision.
How “Discovery” works:
- First, once you’re happy with the cost of this stage of your journey with us, you’ll sign your client agreement
- We’ll speak to your existing financial providers to obtain full details of your current affairs
- For investments, we’ll consider any fund selections, costs, and levels of income
- For protection products, we’ll examine the benefits provided by your current arrangements
- For pensions, we’ll review your current arrangements, contributions, projections at retirement, and any important benefits
- If you’re approaching retirement, we’ll look at the options available from your current arrangements
In each area, we’ll take taxation into account
You’ll get a written report, which considers your circumstances, and the options from your existing arrangements reviewed against the open market. Where appropriate, this will include projections and forecasts.
How “Analysis” works:
- The fee for this stage is identified in your client agreement
- For investments, we’ll remodel your asset allocation based on your risk profile and our own guidelines
- For pensions, we’ll determine what scope there is for greater provision, and explore the most appropriate structures for your goals
- If you’re approaching retirement, we’ll investigate the most suitable options for your circumstances
- We’ll calculate any potential tax savings, including allowances or reliefs you aren’t currently using
- If applicable to you, we’ll carry out cashflow modelling
- We’ll evaluate any opportunities for consolidation, where benefit outweighs cost.
In our second meeting, we’ll explain our recommendations for achieving your aims and objectives. You can decide on the next steps you’d like to take.
How “Recommendation” works:
- The charges for this stage are in line with your client agreement
- We’ll share our written report which details our proposals, and could include:
- An asset allocation suitable for your risk profile
- Suitable funds to meet your asset allocation
- Product structures appropriate to your tax position
- A range of retirement options
- How to maximise your pension funds
- Legitimate ways to mitigate tax
- Streamlining admin, if cost-effective
- Protecting your assets, where appropriate
- Cashflows for care fee planning.
If you’ve chosen to ask us to proceed, we’ll carry out any agreed actions for you. These include completing and submitting application forms and paperwork, tracking progress with product providers, and producing policy documentation.
How “Implementation” works:
- Fees for this stage will be as detailed in your client agreement
- We’ll complete and submit application forms
- We’ll track progress with product providers, chase them for updates when needed, and deal with any queries they might have
- We’ll produce policy documentation for you
- We’ll keep detailed records of your products and investments.
You’ll have access to a range of aftercare services, depending on your particular financial arrangements and the complexity of your affairs.
We will issue you with a formal invitation to use our aftercare service at least annually. When you respond, we will produce a written Portfolio Report. If further work arises such as changes to the investment portfolio, you will be notified of any additional charges.
How “Aftercare” works:
- Basic aftercare maintains your records, access to monthly newsletters plus other publications and updates, and notification of any substantive change in your investments.
- Core aftercare is charged as detailed in your client agreement, and includes everything provided as basic aftercare, plus an annual planning invitation, access to an adviser for advice, guidance and general queries on your existing portfolio (one hour per year), plus additional services for fund platform clients and pension fund drawdown clients.
- Enhanced aftercare includes everything provided as core aftercare, plus an additional hour’s access to an adviser per year, notification of any substantive change in investment funds, 30 minutes’ contact per year with other professional advisers, assistance with cash deposit maturities and provision of valuations to your Executors on death.
- Bespoke aftercare is charged as detailed in your client agreement, and includes everything provided as enhanced aftercare, plus your choice from up to four portfolio reports per year, up to two one-hour meetings with an adviser per year, and up to one extra hour of contact per year with other professional advisers.
What our clients say
Read testimonials from some of our valued clients and learn more about the help we can offer.
“Working with Alex is absolutely superb; we have full confidence in him.”
Gareth & Gwen James
View in full“My wife and I are confident that our best interests are being looked after.”
Graham Tottle
View in full“We feel secure about our financial future, thanks to Positive Wealth.”
Rich & Rob Yarwood
View in full“We trust that Positive Wealth are looking after our money in the best way possible.”
Christine & Andrew Raffle
View in full“We feel content about our financial future, thanks to the honest advice received from Positive Wealth Creation.”
Jonathan & Diana Wyatt
View in fullOur client survey results
See what our valued clients had to say about their experience of working with us.
of clients believe that working with us has helped or will help them to achieve their financial goals
of clients would recommend us to their friends, family or colleagues
of clients were very satisfied that we understand their needs and objectives